eTaaps Directory Minnandra: Dear Diary
Showing posts with label Dear Diary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dear Diary. Show all posts

Wednesday 23 August 2017

An Article For those Who Leave Their Nation For Earning

August 23, 2017 1 Comments

An Article For those Who Leave Their Nation for earning
Last time when I talked on this topic, my concern was 'Why Talent Leaves India' and what are the reasons that many highly talented students opt to study in foreign countries.
You can check that post here.
Well, I am a not an expert on this topic but I can make few things clear. India is not poor country, not an aggressive country. It's just a vast country and if you are talking about the opportunities then I would ask that HOW MANY YEARS WE HAVE CLEBRATED OUR INDEPENDENCE? It's 70 years. Was America so developed after its 70 years of independence? I don't think so. Yes, I know that things are different now but if  during 19th century, Americans would have thought that England is much more developed and just let us go there then would it be so developed now? During WWI, England was very very rich but all Americans just didn't flew to England, instead they made their nation better. I am giving all the examples of America because most of people want to go there and also because Americans have really worked hard to make their country better. I will dicuss today why India is not in the list of developed countries yet.

What, if Steve Jobs would have gone to UK or any other country where he could have got loan to make a new company? 
 I am not from the big 4 cities of India but from a simple city and as most of you know if you want to know India, just roam in small cities.
Now I will tell you about my city. One big bro on above comments said Why Should We pay Loan?

I will tell you why
In my city, there are many areas where people steal electricity!!
They have two wire connections from their main switch, one through the metre and one direct.
During day time, they use the metered connection so if a govt. official raids, they will not be caught but just after 7 pm, they use direct and steal electricity. At this time they use all their electric appliances in such a way as if they were freely runnimg without energy consumption. They use heaters instead of Gas stove to cook food, use ACs, etc which is not added to their bill!!
So think how much they steal and find out loss if there are about 20 crores such people in India!!
Is that money more than what politicians or govt. employee takes? This is just one example, I have list of examples like this. Here I want to make clear that My father is not a politician nor a govt. official as so many of you might have decided that I must belong to such family so I am trying to protect politicians.
Well, I am not protecting politicians but I want to explain you all that only politicians  are not resposible for the condition for our country but we too are equally responsible.
Each of us are equally responsible for the condition of our country wheather it is bad or better.
I don't think we don't have resources here or we don't have opportunities, instead, I think that we have vast opportutnities here. I agree that there also many worst fate of the country like poverty, health problems, corruption and reservation. But thogether we can take out these all fates and make them best from worst. I don't think that education system is worst here although it might be not so good but the universities have been yielding up great people like APJ Abdul Kalam, Sundar Pichai, Ratan Tata, Narayan Murthy, Ambani and many more who are global icons. We just need to put all the hands  in a good direction. And now we have a better PM. For those who think that India will become same as it is now after the removal of Narendra Modi in 10-15 years, I would just ask them if they saw a person leaving his good habbits?
In 10 years, a good PM can bring so huge change that it cannot be rewinded. It's not a game bro where you can rewind things, it's real life where things are fixed. Well, India had 25% of world's total wealth before Britishers arrived here and we lost everything. Think how much we would have, thousand years ago when first gulf raiders arrived here and looted our country. We could have got independence in 1857 only if that generation would have payed attention on welfare of country instead of their own profit. We didn't had unity and our Sepoys and Laxmi Bai Rani lost bacause everyone didn't put their hands in one direction i.e towards independence.
But as I said above, just leave past and get to the present, and ask a question to yourself has the scenario changed today? Are our hands in one direction?
Are we united?
Are we all patriotic?
We all are just thinking about own profit, just about ME not about WE.
If we do not change now then when will we change?
When we will bring our rivalries to foot?
my question is WHEN?
SO PLEASE CHANGE YOUR MIND before we are again made slaves... slaves not physically like in 18th century but in terms of business, in terms of thinking, in terms of education, in terms of...... (these dots are for you!).
Aren't we SL**E (dependent)  in terms of business or products on China? Can we stop using chinese products altogether?
The rude, cruel answer is NO. But this can be done bit by bit just like a house which is dream of every Indian. Powerful and a well developed India is also our dream but can it be possible just dreaming about it and not doing anything?
We all want a developed India, poverty free India, dirt free India but what we have done to make it such way? Just left it for own profit??
You( in context of people who left their nation) make excuses that India is dirty, poor, narrowminded, lacks law and order and many more useless excuses but what you really want? A pre developed country which is best in terms of everything, which is Rich, Healthy,  Wealthy like heaven? Where you need not to work hard to make it better? Where you have to just think about yourself?? You want all these but have you done anything to get these? Make these? No country is developed by birth, it has reached so far is the result of the hardworkships of it's people because they wanted to make their own nation better not like you who just wants a better nation which could be anywhere. 
What's the difference between you and them? Just one word, that you want any better nation and they want their own nation to become better.
Do you know, how many new toilets have been made in India after Swacch Bharat India Campaign?
I belong from a farmer family with educated people. My father is Engineer and Grandfather was govt. Principal, my uncle is Doctor so we had already made toilet 18 years ago in my village. But no one else had it in my village. Well, things have changed now. Most of houses in my village has their own toilets and the roads are being made. I beleive this can be boosted with the help of you all or I might say we all.
Upto how many years or generations will we be running from the problems?  Instead of running, we should face the problems and must sort them out so that the coming generation may not blame us for their condition as we do to our previous generations. All problems can be sorted out if we try. It will not happen in days or months, it will take years of hardwork. There are many opportutnities here now, and startups can be done with greater ease.
I understand that earlier governments or people had not recognised the true talents and you all wanted to show your abilities but now things are changing. You might go abroad to get better eduction, better jobs but must retrun to your mother nation to help it become better. It does't matters that you return in 10, 20 or 30 years, your return matters at all, whenever you return. So you can make this place better.
Are we brave enough to make a step forward?

Let's leave past behind and start a new day.

Note- Here I used 'you' word in context of all who left their nation and 'We' for all of us, for mankind.

Saturday 21 January 2017

The Democracy- Is It Best Option

January 21, 2017 0 Comments
Defects of Democracy
Well, this is the topic of great debate but the answer to this remains in the strength of democracy and the government. Dictatorship in some cases may be better if the dictator really wants to develop the country but as we have seen that this happens rarely. In my opinion, democracy is better than all other existing types of government but it can be made more better. In this era, India has the largest constitution i.e largest democracy but even then, it has many deformities like slow jurisdiction. Many cases have been solved in more than 25 years!! That's a too long time period for human beings. The mere case arises when few people die trying to get jurisdiction. So this process should be made shorter and effective so as to privide better life to all.
Now, reservation has also become a tenson or I may say crisis. There was a time in India when reservation was necessary but that time has passed away and now after 70 years of Independence, it should be removed. Instead of reservation to special peoples of society, there may be reservation for poors but not in higher education. In this modern era of talent, resevation is becoming burden on the nation because the low talent holders are being selected for high responsibilities. So instead of reservation, goverment should provide scholarship in order to help those who wants to learn.  In this era, when the whole world is going through liberalisation and social equalities, the reservation stands as a question, is this really the right to equality? On one hand, the constitution says that you can call anyone dalit of lower caste and on the other hand, it provides them special provisions because they are backward and dalit!! So how can one understand the two faith of this law.
Here by, I want to make clear that I am not against the equality of all or calling anyone dalit, instead i agree that everyone should be treated equally. I would suggest to provide scholarships and other things to backward classes so as to make them talented and then they will be able to get any jop by their own, not by help of special provisions.
One of my best friends comes from backward class only but I have never made done descrimination with him, we sit together, study in same class, same course and drink water from the same tap and bottle which seems that we are equal but when it comes about higher education, the constitution says that we are not equal and he will be given special provisions!!
So what should I understand by this?
I have respect in my great constitution and I feel very proud of my great India but i think some changes in constitution will make India greatest. When constitution was drafted, the harijans were highly descriminated and reservation was essential for proper development of the nation but now, after 70 years of reservation, I think talent is eseential for development of nation. Atleast those whose family members are working in A grade or B grade government jobs or are rich politicians, should not be provided reservation.
So in conclusion, democracy is the better form of govenment yet but some enhancements can make it best.
                Jai Hind

Thursday 24 November 2016

Why Talent Leaves India?

November 24, 2016 4 Comments

Reasons why Talent leaves India
Rakesh was a good guy with handsome personality studying in standard 12th . He had a great interest in IT but nothing in other subjects and he always just remained sitting on his chair using his desktop in hope he could learn something new but neither his parents nor his teachers liked his way of studying and took him as careless guy who didn’t liked to study mathematics and science. But he knew his talent and just wanted to become a software programmer and lead best IT company. “You will become nothing other than a peon, your parents are just wasting their money by sending you here”, says his class teacher but he never payed attention to it. But his mother also knew his talent and knew he could do better if sent to a big college but he was interested only in Computer Science and physics, so none of the colleges of India would offer him an admission. But Rakesh had a hope and drafted a letter to Chancellor of many universities describing his talent and  asking for further education but his talent wasn’t understood by the colleges and his request was not accepted. He left all hope for his further education but by advice of his friend, he asked for help online describing his qualities and interest in computer science. Just in a month, he got an e-mail from an American University asking for further details and a video conference interview. He qualified the interview and got the chance to show his talent in America……..
After 10 years, he got proposal at Director of Programming and management demartment in a MNC which he accepted.
This is not a story of only Rakesh but most of Indians who are full of talents but are underestimated by the people and govt. officials so they are forced to leave their mother Nation and go to foreign countries for a better chance to show their talent.This is the reason people like Sundar Pichai and Satya Nadella had to leave.
  Indian higher education system is deprived of finding talents which needs to be repaired and I hope that our honourable PM will take some step regarding this. Many times I have seen in newspapers about meeting of Indian officials and ministers with Indian CEOs  of renowned MNCs and asking to invest in India. Indian people always have a question in their mind why they leave and go to foreign countries, I also used to think but now I have an answer for most of the leaves that is their talent is not recognized.  If their talent would have been recognized and government would have provided them opportunities then people like Rakesh would not have been needed to leave.

Few things like making the education system more practical and developing it in such a way that talent can come out of darkness and spread their wings in the sky of brightness. 
Things are changing bit by bit now, some changes are being done and I hope, those days are not far when people would not need to leave.
I am not against talents going out of the country as this is the era of Globalization but, I am against the situation when talented people have no choice other than to leave. So, we need to make a change so as to reach the end of such situations.

 "A change in us can change the whole world as we make this world"

Sunday 22 November 2015

A way to a new Journey in My Life

November 22, 2015 3 Comments
I was 11 years when I didn't knew about Android phones and
and Laptops. At that time, I just knew to switch on and off
it. But even then, I was very happy that I know about
computers. Whenever I went to my friend's house I saw them talking
about PC games and I always thought how anyone could like those Games.
But a sudden change occurred in my life, my father bought a Laptop for me
and my sister. I was so happy on that day that I didn't did my homework and
just started it. But... I didn't knew how to use it. I couldn't get much help from
my father as he was busy in his office work and even if I asked him to teach,
what would he feel as I was studying in a high profile school with rich students...
I never asked but just payed attention in my Computer class but problem was
that I didn't knew basics of it and they were teaching higher standards.
It was just like that you are trying how to write an English word without learning the
alphabets. It was not possible for me to understand. Then one day, in computer lab.
One day, one of my classmates insulted me as I didn't knew how to use Paint and MS word. I  got much humiliated  and decided to learn everything about computers.  I was a good student in other subjects like Maths, English, Science, etc but not in IT. On Sunday, I opened my laptop and switched it on. It was like going on an unknown journey. Then I opened and did anything.  I was not afraid of creating any technical problems  in it
so I just carried on doing whatever I saw. Then I started to use laptop for more time.
I didn't went outdoor for playing, instead I stayed inside and learned laptop.
Then soon, there were holidays of Winter Break. I just decided to learn everything
about PC. I started using it for 6 hrs a day and just in winter break of 15 days, I learned basics or even more and now I could understand the IT lectures very easily.
But I wanted to learn more as now I had much more interest in my laptop than
cricket. I requested my father to bring a game for my laptop and he brought GTA Vice City and IGI.  I was very happy in playing them but it was very hard lol. So I continued to learn about PC.  Then once in computer lab, I asked  that classmate to create a new spreadsheet on MS Excel and do some hard algorithms. But as expected,  he was not able to do that. I was very happy that day. Then slowly I started learning more about Internet and I created
account on Facebook and I learned more than what others in my class knew. I also
went to my father's office to learn about Gmail. The happiest day was the day when one of my classmates requested me to teach about Adobe Photoshop but  I denied lol. Then i also completed many games and found shortcuts in them specially in IGI 2. My friends kept asking me to help them on games and I felt good by helping them.

Then in 2013, I moved to another city and took admission in new school. Here, I showed off others about my knowledge of computers. One of my classmates challenged me that I couldn't not create a Blog. I, not only accepted the challenge but also created the blog.. The biggest learning year was 2014 when a new teacher came to teach computer and as I was the monitor, he asked me many things about computer.  I impressed him and he told me that I can learn more. Then with my
friend Aditya, I designed a HTML website in my computer lab. We were the best students of our school along with Shekar and Summy.  There was no prohibition on entering the Computer lab for us.
I and Aditya continued to design websites and one day I was able to hack my School's computer.  It was first time that I hacked!!
Well after that I told to my Computer teacher and he said "No problem I will re setup the password" and he encouraged us for more saying that hackers and programmers have a good carrier in government's police and safety services and also in IT companies.
But problem was that I didn't wanted to become an IT engineer instead, I want to become a Scientist. So I didn't carried much in Computer but in 2015, when I was promoted to class 11, I took C++ in extra subject as I have interest in it and who knows which talent may be needed and when.
Now when I remember the old times, I laugh that once I knew nothing and others knew much more and now I know everything and others know lesser.
It was just going on a new journey for me.