On this page, you will learn how to earn money online in your free time while studying at college or University. Earning money is not a tough job and requires very less time and effort as you can earn on your smartphone or laptop anywhere, anytime. So let's see what are 10 Easiest and best ways to earn online
Qmee , Swagbucks are one of the best sites for these.
1.Online Surveys
If you have a habbit of giving your free adivices and opinions even when no one asks, this job is just for you only! Now you can get upto $3 per survey just for giving your opinions on survey sites. Below I have provided a list of best survey sites which provide good money for your surveys and they take only some of your precious time. You can get good amount of cash for your pocket just by giving 1hr per day to any of these websites.
Click here to view my list of Top Survey Sites
2.Earn By Doing Various Tasks
There are many GPT websites which, like survey sites
reward real cash and vouchers for completing several offers online and
watching advertisements. One can easily earn $200-$300 from these
The most popular and legitimate websites are Swagbucks, Clixsense, Prize Rebel
3.Earn By Watching Advertisements
are many PTC sites which reward you by watching different
advertisements for about 30 seconds. You can easily earn $150-$200 from
these sites by just working for an hour.
if you want some good amount of cash besides from your income, you must
try these sites. These all sites need not to invest any sort of money.
The most popular PTC sites are NeoBux, Paidverts
4.Earn By Searching Web
This is one of the best ways to earn money while doing your favourite things i.e searching the web.
Yeah, you can earn money while you do your everyday searching on the web. Just add their extension to your web browser and start earning many gift cards and real money.
5.Review Sites & Apps
Apart from getting paid by searching the web, you can earn by doing review jobs for websites and different apps. These take about 30 minutes and pay you $10. So, this method is excellent way of earning cash for your pocket but you need to have some knowledge about webs and apps to make a review.
Here are few of best Review sites- My Crowd, User Testing
6.Write Kindle e-books
If you have got good writing skills, you can write e-books for kindle in pdf form and publish them free of cost. You can set the price of books by your own wish and when someone buys it, Amazon will pay you the money after taking 20% of the total cost. Always try to write rich content, non fictional books or research books so as to increase your earnings. Kindle App is now available on all platforms so it's worth trying.
7. Work As Captcha Solver
Captcha solving is an excellent way of earning if you have a good typing speed (about 30 words per minute). You can have good savings if you try this. You will need to type small phrases as given in images as fast as you can with high accuracy.
There are many popular captcha solving sites like Koltibablo, Megatypers, Protypers
8. Earn From Several Apps On Your Smartphone
There are many apps for smartphone which allow you to earn some money by completing various offers and tasks. You just need to complete them whenever you have time and take the reward into your pocket.
The Play Store is flooded by these type of apps but, before you download any of these apps, always check reviews so as to check if they are legetimate.
9. Sell Your Photos Online
If you are good at taking photographs, you can earn high amount of money by selling your pics. You just need a good camera and a place of your choice to take pictures.
You can check these websites to earn money by selling high quality photos-
You can check these websites to earn money by selling high quality photos-
Alamy Shutterstock
10. Create You Tube channel
You can earn huge amount of cash if you do succeed in this business. You need to be creative in any area and just make a video of that. You can earn money on each views and likes. You can use Google Adsense to increase your income.
You need to do something new for earning on You Tube.
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