eTaaps Directory January 2017 - Minnandra

Saturday 21 January 2017

The Democracy- Is It Best Option

January 21, 2017 0 Comments
Defects of Democracy
Well, this is the topic of great debate but the answer to this remains in the strength of democracy and the government. Dictatorship in some cases may be better if the dictator really wants to develop the country but as we have seen that this happens rarely. In my opinion, democracy is better than all other existing types of government but it can be made more better. In this era, India has the largest constitution i.e largest democracy but even then, it has many deformities like slow jurisdiction. Many cases have been solved in more than 25 years!! That's a too long time period for human beings. The mere case arises when few people die trying to get jurisdiction. So this process should be made shorter and effective so as to privide better life to all.
Now, reservation has also become a tenson or I may say crisis. There was a time in India when reservation was necessary but that time has passed away and now after 70 years of Independence, it should be removed. Instead of reservation to special peoples of society, there may be reservation for poors but not in higher education. In this modern era of talent, resevation is becoming burden on the nation because the low talent holders are being selected for high responsibilities. So instead of reservation, goverment should provide scholarship in order to help those who wants to learn.  In this era, when the whole world is going through liberalisation and social equalities, the reservation stands as a question, is this really the right to equality? On one hand, the constitution says that you can call anyone dalit of lower caste and on the other hand, it provides them special provisions because they are backward and dalit!! So how can one understand the two faith of this law.
Here by, I want to make clear that I am not against the equality of all or calling anyone dalit, instead i agree that everyone should be treated equally. I would suggest to provide scholarships and other things to backward classes so as to make them talented and then they will be able to get any jop by their own, not by help of special provisions.
One of my best friends comes from backward class only but I have never made done descrimination with him, we sit together, study in same class, same course and drink water from the same tap and bottle which seems that we are equal but when it comes about higher education, the constitution says that we are not equal and he will be given special provisions!!
So what should I understand by this?
I have respect in my great constitution and I feel very proud of my great India but i think some changes in constitution will make India greatest. When constitution was drafted, the harijans were highly descriminated and reservation was essential for proper development of the nation but now, after 70 years of reservation, I think talent is eseential for development of nation. Atleast those whose family members are working in A grade or B grade government jobs or are rich politicians, should not be provided reservation.
So in conclusion, democracy is the better form of govenment yet but some enhancements can make it best.
                Jai Hind